Gea Real Estate Property Listing Terms and Conditions of Usage



These terms and conditions delineate the guidelines governing property listings on the Gea Real Estate website (“the Website”). By initiating a property listing on the Website, you, as the property owner or authorized representative (“the User”), explicitly agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions.


  1. Property Listing Agreement


  1. Organic Marketing: Properties listed on the Website shall primarily be subject to organic marketing strategies unless otherwise explicitly specified. Organic marketing methods encompass promotional activities and channels that do not involve financial transactions or remuneration for exposure.


  1. Paid Digital Marketing and Promotions:


In order to promote the estate, events may be organized, necessitating additional organization, coordination, security, accessibility, as well as incurring marketing expenses that may be covered by the owner of the estate.


Open Houses and Promotional Events: In instances where events are organized to promote the estate, additional efforts such as Open Houses or Promotional Events may be arranged. These events may require supplementary resources for organization, coordination, security, and accessibility, including marketing expenses that may be borne by the estate owner.


Supplementary agreements will delineate the terms, responsibilities, and costs associated with organizing such events between Gea Real Estate and the property owner/seller.


This amendment elaborates on the potential events, such as Open Houses or Promotional Events, that might be arranged to promote the estate, incorporating considerations for coordination, security, and financial responsibilities, while emphasizing that detailed agreements will define these arrangements.


  1. Sales Guarantee


  1. General Listings: Gea Real Estate does not warrant or guarantee the sale, lease, or disposition of properties listed on the Website under the standard property listing agreement. The responsibility for property sale transactions rests entirely with the property owner/seller.


  1. Master Broker Listings: Properties listed under Master Broker agreements may be subject to unique and separate terms and conditions. Each designated Master Broker assumes the responsibility for sales pertaining to buildings and developments listed under their agreement.


  1. Compliance with Terms and Listing Requirements


  1. Property Listing Requirements:


  1. **Legal Tenantship and Documentation:** Property owners/sellers are mandated to furnish valid and legally recognized documentation establishing tenantship or ownership of the property, complying with all relevant local and national regulations.


  1. **Property Evaluation and Verification:** All listed properties shall undergo comprehensive assessment, including description, visitation, and valuation by a qualified Gea Real Estate Advisor, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and adherence to listing standards.


iii. **Media and Information Submission:** Property owners/sellers are required to provide comprehensive media materials comprising photographs, videos, drone footage, and complete address details, facilitating comprehensive property representation.


  1. **Sign Placement:** Gea Real Estate reserves the right to install signage or placards at the property’s perimeter for promotional purposes, subject to the express consent of the property owner.


  1. **Formal Communication Details:** Proper communication channels including email, phone, and personal contact shall be established between the property owner/seller, administrator, and legal representative of the estate, ensuring effective and formal communication throughout the listing process.


  1. Property Status, Price Changes, or General Updates


  1. Property Status Update Requirement: Property owners/sellers are required to promptly inform Gea Real Estate about any alterations or changes in the status of the listed property. Gea Real Estate holds no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions regarding properties listed that have not been brought to our attention by the owner.


  1. Property Visits and Inspections: 


Gea Real Estate reserves the right for Real Estate advisors to conduct property visits and inspections for marketing purposes, either independently or in conjunction with brokers or clients. Additionally, the establishment of an open and close door entry system may be necessary during property visits to facilitate these assessments.

  1. Formal Forms of Communication for Visiting and Negotiation


  1. Communication Channels: The process of visiting and negotiation shall employ formal communication methods, including but not limited to:


  1. **Videoconferences:** Utilization of video conferencing platforms for remote discussions, negotiations, and virtual property walkthroughs.


iii. **Chats and Emails:** Formal written exchanges via electronic mail or chat platforms to convey details, negotiate terms, and share documentation.


  1. **Reports and Proposals:** Submission and reception of comprehensive reports, proposals, and documentation through authorized channels for thorough consideration.


  1. **Phone Calls:** Verbal communication via phone for immediate discussions, clarifications, and negotiations regarding property listings.


  1. Usage of Images and Content


  1. By initiating a property listing on the Website, property owners/sellers expressly grant Gea Real Estate the right to utilize images, content, videos, and other media materials for marketing and promotional endeavors related to the property listing.


  1. Third-party intellectual property integrated into listings must possess appropriate permissions, licenses, or usage rights, duly compliant with legal regulations and ownership rights.


  1. Limitation of Liability


  1. Gea Real Estate bears no liability for any loss, damages, or expenses incurred by Users resulting from the use or inability to use the Website’s services or listings.


  1. Changes to Terms


  1. Gea Real Estate expressly reserves the right to modify, revise, or update these terms and conditions at its sole discretion and without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms to remain informed of any alterations or updates.


  1. Duration of Listing


  1. Listing Duration: The duration of a property’s listing is contingent upon the mutually agreed-upon timeframe established between Gea Real Estate and the property owner. This timeframe will determine the period for which the property will be listed on the Gea Real Estate platform.


This organized text provides clear sections and subsections outlining the terms and conditions for property listings on the Gea Real Estate website. Adjustments and refinements can be made based on specific needs or legal requirements.

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