Gea Real Estate Intellectual Property Rights

All content, including but not limited to posts, images, videos, blogs, written material, and social media content, generated and published on or affiliated platforms, is considered the sole property of Gea Real Estate, protected under intellectual property laws and regulations.

Gea Real Estate retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the intellectual property developed, created, or used by Gea Real Estate or its agents, including original content, designs, trademarks, logos, and any proprietary information displayed on its platforms.

In some instances, Gea Real Estate may use third-party intellectual property with proper authorization or under licenses granted to Gea Real Estate. Any third-party intellectual property used remains the property of its respective owners and is used within the boundaries of permitted licenses or fair use practices.

Users, visitors, or any third party accessing the Gea Real Estate platforms are strictly prohibited from:

Reproducing, copying, distributing, or using any content or intellectual property displayed on Gea Real Estate platforms without explicit permission.

Misusing, modifying, or infringing upon the intellectual property rights held by Gea Real Estate or any third-party rights displayed on the platform.

Gea Real Estate respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users and visitors to do the same. In case of any concerns or claims regarding intellectual property rights, please contact us at for prompt resolution and necessary actions.

Feel free to adapt or modify this clause to suit the specific requirements of Gea Real Estate or any legal standards that need to be addressed. If there’s anything more you’d like to add or modify, just let me know!

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